Principles of Bible Study

The whole Bible is “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

This course, guided by Dr. Howard Hendricks, is a foundation course on elementary practical theology.

Biblical Interpretation

In this course, Dr. Douglas Stuart, Professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell and co-author of How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, lays a foundation for understanding that will help you get more out of the Bible. 

Principles for Building Godly Character Part 1

The student is led into an evaluation of his/her present spiritual condition with practical instruction given on how to strengthen his/her walk with the Lord. A system of personal discovery exercises will direct the student toward evaluating their assets and liabilities in comparison to the attributes of Christ. A practical approach is provided for eliminating the liabilities and developing  the positive character assets of Christ in the students life.

Teacher: Domenic Fusco

Media & Technology in Ministry

This course explores principles and practices of leveraging the technology in common use in society to reach, engage, draw and develop people with technology and media. We will explore several integrated tools, and examine the strategy and pragmatics necessary to engage new media technology in ministry. The class covers application of these tools for both local church ministry and Internet ministry.

Christian Ethics

This course provides a biblical orientation to Christian ethics. Many believers today have lost their moral footing. Moreover, believers who want to live ethically are frequently confused by the complexities of ethical decisions. Even so, with proper study of the Bible’s system of ethics, Christians can learn how to evaluate problems in ways that lead to biblical solutions. 

This course was created using core elements of a course developed by Third Millennium Ministries. Aidan University gratefully acknowledges their partnership and assistance.  The course features video lessons from Dr. John M. Frame, produced by Third Millennium Ministries.