
An analysis of the philosophical, religious, and scientific beliefs that shape culture, and how to communicate the gospel accordingly.

Faith Principles in Action

A biblical, theological, and historical consideration of God’s redemption of his world, including integration with other coursework and unavoidable personal involvement.

Theology of Worship

A Study of Worship as central to the life of all believers. Professor Barrs explains the nature of true worship, various aspects of both private and public worship, and the forms that worship would take within the context of the local church.

Christian Foundations

While it is often overlooked, Biblical Theology can greatly enrich our study of the Scriptures. It focuses on the historical development of theology as it progresses throughout Scripture, analyzing the acts of God as they are recorded in different periods of time. This course explains the meaning of Biblical Theology, examines the way it is developed, defends its legitimacy, and gives examples from both the Old Testament and from the New Testament of how it can be beneficial. 

This course was created using core elements of a course developed by Third Millennium Ministries. Aidan University gratefully acknowledges their partnership and assistance.  The course features video lessons by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.


This course gives fundamental guidelines for interpreting the Bible. Christians sometimes disagree over the meaning of particular verses or passages, and one reason for these disagreements is that there are different approaches to Bible interpretation. How do we know which approach is the most responsible? This course will help answer that question. 

This course was created using core elements of a course developed by Third Millennium Ministries. Aidan University gratefully acknowledges their partnership and assistance.